There are many ways to create teaching-learning activities which are in line with peace education spirit. yang pasti, peace education itu selalu kreatif dan membangun daya pikir kita.
berikut ini adalah gambar beberapa metode pembelajaran secara pendidikan perdamaian:
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Lesson Plan Pendidikan Perdamaian 2
ini contah lesson plan pendidikan perdamaian yang lain...
Theme: Public Service Advertisement
- To understand about the message behind an advertisement
- To raise the awareness of the right of education
- Public service advertisement
- The right of education
- Solidarity
- Consciousness / awareness
Time required
One session of 45 minutes
Grade/year level
Sixth grade level (12 years old)
- Public service advertisement from magazine or newspaper.
This public service advertisement is made by GNOTA (Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh) or national movement of supporting parents. This movement was made by the Indonesian government to support children who do not have access to the education because of financial problems.
This advertisement uses an image of Papuan child, and the text said: "I want to reach my future but I have difficulties in getting the knowledge that I need. Help us, your children to reach their dreams to develop the nation."
Beside the logo id the slogan of the GNOTA, together we participate in educating nation's life. And the text inside the black box is the Bank account number where people can donate their money for the movement.
Based on the national curriculum on the Bahasa Indonesia subject, one of the basic competences that students should have is competence in intensive reading. To fulfill that goal, students can practice through reading an advertisement. There are three indicators that stated in the curriculum to guide the reading an advertisement activity, which are:
1. Students can explain the target audience of the advertisement.
2. Students can deduce the content of the advertisement.
3. Students can paraphrase the advertisement (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003).
The use of public service advertisement is one of the ways to include peace education in Bahasa Indonesia subject. Through the review and analysis of public service advertisement, it is also expected to raise the awareness of students on the content of the public service advertisement.
Lesson Proper
(Instruction for the teacher)
Teacher Preparation
- Prepare copies of the public service advertisement.
Class Activity
1. Distribute the copies of the Public service advertisement to students.
2. Asking students to form groups and discuss the advertisement.
3. After 15-20 minutes, students will go back to the class and having a class discussion.
4. After the discussion, students are asked to write or paraphrase the advertisement in one or two paragraphs.
Start the discussion by asking the students the following questions:
- What is public service advertisement?
- What is the topic of the advertisement?
- Who made the advertisement?
- What strategy they use in the advertisement? (the language, the image)
- Who are the target audience of the advertisement?
The discussion can be broader by discussing about the right of education and the role of the government in this issue.
- Raising the awareness of the right of education to the students is very important. Students should understand that they have right to get education, and the government guarantees this right.
- Students can see or reflect from their neighborhood, how is the condition of the children? Are they all have access to education or not.
- There are also a lot of children in Indonesia especially, and in the world generally that still do not have access to education.
Commitment to Action
This lesson can be used to encourage students to develop a commitment to action in raising the awareness about the right of education. Examples of concrete action include:
- Students can help children in their neighborhood who have no access to school by forming study groups and teach them how to write, read, and count.
- Students can collect their used books, newspaper, or magazine, and forms a little library for the children in their neighborhood.
- Students can discuss this issue with their parents and ask their parents to discuss this issue to the community.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2003). Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Retrieved April 29, 2006 from
Theme: Public Service Advertisement
- To understand about the message behind an advertisement
- To raise the awareness of the right of education
- Public service advertisement
- The right of education
- Solidarity
- Consciousness / awareness
Time required
One session of 45 minutes
Grade/year level
Sixth grade level (12 years old)
- Public service advertisement from magazine or newspaper.
This public service advertisement is made by GNOTA (Gerakan Nasional Orang Tua Asuh) or national movement of supporting parents. This movement was made by the Indonesian government to support children who do not have access to the education because of financial problems.
This advertisement uses an image of Papuan child, and the text said: "I want to reach my future but I have difficulties in getting the knowledge that I need. Help us, your children to reach their dreams to develop the nation."
Beside the logo id the slogan of the GNOTA, together we participate in educating nation's life. And the text inside the black box is the Bank account number where people can donate their money for the movement.
Based on the national curriculum on the Bahasa Indonesia subject, one of the basic competences that students should have is competence in intensive reading. To fulfill that goal, students can practice through reading an advertisement. There are three indicators that stated in the curriculum to guide the reading an advertisement activity, which are:
1. Students can explain the target audience of the advertisement.
2. Students can deduce the content of the advertisement.
3. Students can paraphrase the advertisement (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003).
The use of public service advertisement is one of the ways to include peace education in Bahasa Indonesia subject. Through the review and analysis of public service advertisement, it is also expected to raise the awareness of students on the content of the public service advertisement.
Lesson Proper
(Instruction for the teacher)
Teacher Preparation
- Prepare copies of the public service advertisement.
Class Activity
1. Distribute the copies of the Public service advertisement to students.
2. Asking students to form groups and discuss the advertisement.
3. After 15-20 minutes, students will go back to the class and having a class discussion.
4. After the discussion, students are asked to write or paraphrase the advertisement in one or two paragraphs.
Start the discussion by asking the students the following questions:
- What is public service advertisement?
- What is the topic of the advertisement?
- Who made the advertisement?
- What strategy they use in the advertisement? (the language, the image)
- Who are the target audience of the advertisement?
The discussion can be broader by discussing about the right of education and the role of the government in this issue.
- Raising the awareness of the right of education to the students is very important. Students should understand that they have right to get education, and the government guarantees this right.
- Students can see or reflect from their neighborhood, how is the condition of the children? Are they all have access to education or not.
- There are also a lot of children in Indonesia especially, and in the world generally that still do not have access to education.
Commitment to Action
This lesson can be used to encourage students to develop a commitment to action in raising the awareness about the right of education. Examples of concrete action include:
- Students can help children in their neighborhood who have no access to school by forming study groups and teach them how to write, read, and count.
- Students can collect their used books, newspaper, or magazine, and forms a little library for the children in their neighborhood.
- Students can discuss this issue with their parents and ask their parents to discuss this issue to the community.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2003). Kurikulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Dasar dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Retrieved April 29, 2006 from
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Lesson Plan Pendidikan Perdamaian 1
saya mau berbagi lesson plan pendidikan perdamaian yang pernah saya buat. lesson plan ini adalah tugas sewaktu saya kuliah dulu, dan kemudian diterapkan di tempat saya melakukan praktek kerja, di American International School, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Theme: Environmental Education
• To raise the awareness of the students about environment
• Planting flowers
• Saving the water
• Caring
• Consciousness / awareness
• Responsibility
Time required
Two sessions of 45 minutes
Grade/year level
Kindergarten Level
Environmental education is part of the basic education that should be delivered to students as early as possible. Protecting the environment and reserving the environment are parts of this education. Students should be aware about the importance of environment for their life and for the world, now and the future.
Nowadays, the environmental condition of the world becomes worse. We have to start the effort to stop the degradation. School has an important role to introduce and promote the values behind environmental education.
In the kindergarten level, we can start some environmental education that at the same time also develop the personal development of the student, such as taking care of something. Having their own flower, students at the kindergarten level will learn to have responsibility taking care of their flower. Students also learn about taking care of something.
Promoting the economical use of water also becomes a good lesson for students. By informing the students about the condition of water in the world, it will raise the awareness of the students by not wasting the water.
Lesson Proper
First Activity (Instruction for the teacher)
• Empty can or jar
• Paint
• Flower
• Soil
Class Activity
1. Students are asked to paint the empty can or jar.
2. After finishing painting, students will plant flower in their can or jar and place it in the class.
3. Students will water their plant regularly.
Some questions that may be raised are:
• Have you ever planted flowers before?
• Does flower need to eat?
• Where does the food for the flower come from?
• How do you feel by having a flower that you have to take care of?
Second Activity (Instruction for the teacher)
• Paper
• Water color / crayon / marker
• Tape
Class Activity
1. Students are asked to draw a sign about saving water on a piece of paper.
2. The signs will be placed in strategic area in the school.
Some questions that may be raised are:
• How does your family use water?
• Where can we find water resources?
• Why should we save the water?
Commitment to Action
This lesson can be used to encourage students to develop a commitment to action in raising the awareness about the environment. Examples of concrete action include:
• Students will care about flowers and plants in their house.
• Students will use the water economically.
• Students can promote the economical use of water in their family.
Theme: Environmental Education
• To raise the awareness of the students about environment
• Planting flowers
• Saving the water
• Caring
• Consciousness / awareness
• Responsibility
Time required
Two sessions of 45 minutes
Grade/year level
Kindergarten Level
Environmental education is part of the basic education that should be delivered to students as early as possible. Protecting the environment and reserving the environment are parts of this education. Students should be aware about the importance of environment for their life and for the world, now and the future.
Nowadays, the environmental condition of the world becomes worse. We have to start the effort to stop the degradation. School has an important role to introduce and promote the values behind environmental education.
In the kindergarten level, we can start some environmental education that at the same time also develop the personal development of the student, such as taking care of something. Having their own flower, students at the kindergarten level will learn to have responsibility taking care of their flower. Students also learn about taking care of something.
Promoting the economical use of water also becomes a good lesson for students. By informing the students about the condition of water in the world, it will raise the awareness of the students by not wasting the water.
Lesson Proper
First Activity (Instruction for the teacher)
• Empty can or jar
• Paint
• Flower
• Soil
Class Activity
1. Students are asked to paint the empty can or jar.
2. After finishing painting, students will plant flower in their can or jar and place it in the class.
3. Students will water their plant regularly.
Some questions that may be raised are:
• Have you ever planted flowers before?
• Does flower need to eat?
• Where does the food for the flower come from?
• How do you feel by having a flower that you have to take care of?
Second Activity (Instruction for the teacher)
• Paper
• Water color / crayon / marker
• Tape
Class Activity
1. Students are asked to draw a sign about saving water on a piece of paper.
2. The signs will be placed in strategic area in the school.
Some questions that may be raised are:
• How does your family use water?
• Where can we find water resources?
• Why should we save the water?
Commitment to Action
This lesson can be used to encourage students to develop a commitment to action in raising the awareness about the environment. Examples of concrete action include:
• Students will care about flowers and plants in their house.
• Students will use the water economically.
• Students can promote the economical use of water in their family.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Games and Exercises
Dokumen ini sangat berguna... memberi ide-ide untuk kita mengenai permainan dan aktivitas yang dapat kita gunakan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan, baik di kelas, lokakarya, maupun pelatihan dan bentuk pertemuan lainnya...
silakan dipilih yang sesuai dengan konteks anda... inilah linknya: Games & Exercises
silakan dipilih yang sesuai dengan konteks anda... inilah linknya: Games & Exercises
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Peace Lessons from Around the World
Hague Appeal for Peace menerbitkan sebuah bacaan berjudul Peace Lessons from Around the World. Dalam bacaan ini, kita akan diajak untuk membaca rancangan pembelajaran dengan tema-tema perdamaian dari berbagai belahan dunia, dan diharapkan rancangan pembelajaran tersebut bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi kita untuk bersama-sama mewujudkan dunia damai...
Tertarik untuk membacanya? silakan unduh di: sini
Tertarik untuk membacanya? silakan unduh di: sini
Culture of Peace
UNESCO telah mencanangkan dekade budaya perdamaian, yaitu mulai tahun 2001-2010. Apa sih budaya perdamaian itu? menurut definisi yang dikeluarkan oleh UNESCO, budaya perdamaian adalah:
"a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations."
mau tahu lebih banyak? silakan berkunjung ke: sini
"a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations."
mau tahu lebih banyak? silakan berkunjung ke: sini
Peace Education in UNICEF
Berikut ini adalah ringkasan dari tulisan Susan Fountain dengan judul "Peace Education in UNICEF"
Peace education is an essential component of quality basic education. This paper defines peace education as the process of promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behaviour changes that will enable children, youth and adults to prevent conflict and violence, both overt and structural; to resolve conflict peacefully; and to create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national or international level.
In this paper, issues pertaining to peace education are considered from the perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Jomtien Declaration on Education for All. The relationship between peace education and other educational initiatives (children’s rights/human rights education, education for development, gender training, global education, life skills education, landmine awareness, and psychosocial rehabilitation) is examined. The aims of peace education as they appear in programmes around the world are then summarized, followed by a brief survey of the types of approaches that have been used in a variety of educational environments. A number of ‘windows of opportunity’ for peace education are described. A rationale for the use of interactive, learner-centred methods in peace education is presented, along with elements of effective peace education programmes selected from current research. The paper concludes with an overview of methods for evaluating peace education programmes, sample behavioural indicators, and suggestions for setting up an evaluation.
Peace education programmes have been developed in a number of UNICEF country offices and National Committees for UNICEF over the past decade. Ideas are continually evolving about how to use the full range of children’s educational experiences to promote commitment to principles of peace and social justice. Therefore, this paper should be seen as a working document, rather than a statement of policy. Its purpose is to stimulate further discussion and networking among UNICEF colleagues, to move towards a clearer articulation of good practice in peace education, and to pave the way for further exploration of how
best to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of this area of UNICEF activity. As the need to evaluate peace education programmes becomes greater, so too does the need for a common framework within which to examine their content and
artikel lengkapnya bisa anda unduh di: sini
Peace education is an essential component of quality basic education. This paper defines peace education as the process of promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behaviour changes that will enable children, youth and adults to prevent conflict and violence, both overt and structural; to resolve conflict peacefully; and to create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national or international level.
In this paper, issues pertaining to peace education are considered from the perspective of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Jomtien Declaration on Education for All. The relationship between peace education and other educational initiatives (children’s rights/human rights education, education for development, gender training, global education, life skills education, landmine awareness, and psychosocial rehabilitation) is examined. The aims of peace education as they appear in programmes around the world are then summarized, followed by a brief survey of the types of approaches that have been used in a variety of educational environments. A number of ‘windows of opportunity’ for peace education are described. A rationale for the use of interactive, learner-centred methods in peace education is presented, along with elements of effective peace education programmes selected from current research. The paper concludes with an overview of methods for evaluating peace education programmes, sample behavioural indicators, and suggestions for setting up an evaluation.
Peace education programmes have been developed in a number of UNICEF country offices and National Committees for UNICEF over the past decade. Ideas are continually evolving about how to use the full range of children’s educational experiences to promote commitment to principles of peace and social justice. Therefore, this paper should be seen as a working document, rather than a statement of policy. Its purpose is to stimulate further discussion and networking among UNICEF colleagues, to move towards a clearer articulation of good practice in peace education, and to pave the way for further exploration of how
best to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of this area of UNICEF activity. As the need to evaluate peace education programmes becomes greater, so too does the need for a common framework within which to examine their content and
artikel lengkapnya bisa anda unduh di: sini
Apa Itu Pendidikan Perdamaian
Tidak ada satupun definisi yang pasti atau benar untuk pendidikan perdamaian. Ada banyak cara untuk mendefinisikan pendidikan perdamaian... bisa dilihat dari isi atau materinya, tetapi bisa juga dilihat dari konteks atau situasinya.
dari materinya, setidaknya ada tiga definisi yang bisa kita ketahui (pembagian ini bisa dibaca dalam tulisan Susan Fountain mengenai Peace Education in UNICEF terbitan Juli 1999)
tiga definisi itu meliputi:
Pendekatan berdasar keilmuan
“multi-disciplinary academic and moral quest for solutions to the problems of war and injustice with the consequential development of institutions and movements that will contribute to a peace that is based on justice and reconciliation.” (COPRED, 1986)
Pendekatan berdasar keterampilan dan tingkah laku
“a global term applying to all educational endeavors and activities which take as their focus the promotion of a knowledge of peace and of peace-building and which promote, in the learner, attitudes of tolerance and empathy as well as skills in cooperation, conflict avoidance and conflict resolution so that learners will have the capacity and motivation, individually and collectively, to live in peace with others.” (Cremin, 1993)
Pendekatan yang menggabungkan ilmu, ketrampilan, dan tingkah laku
“a process that prepares young people for global responsibility; enables them to understand the nature and implications of global interdependence; and helps them to accept responsibility to work for a just, peaceful and viable global community.” (Reardon, 1988)
sedangkan kalau kita melihat konteks dan situasinya, ada beberapa definisi yang terbagi dalam:
1. pendidikan perdamaian di masa konflik
2. pendidikan perdamaian di masa konflik yang sudah selesai
3. pendidikan perdamaian di masa pembangunan perdamaian
4. pendidikan perdamaian di daerah yang tidak mengalami konflik
keterangan lebih lengkapnya akan saya tambahkan nanti. kalau nggak salah, pembagian definisi ini ada dalam tulisan Gavriel Solomon dalam buku Peace Education terbitan tahun 2002.
Secara umum, ketika kita berbicara mengenai pendidikan perdamaian, maka ada tiga aspek yang menyusunnya, yaitu:
1. Materi
2. Proses
3. Hubungan
1. Muatan
Apa saja sih materi yang ada didalam pendidikan perdamaian? Swee-Hin Toh dan Virginia Cawagas secara sederhana membagi enam materi dasar yang diberikan dalam pendidikan perdamaian, yaitu:
- Pendidikan untuk menghapus budaya perang dan kekerasan
- Pendidikan untuk menjunjung hak asasi manusia dan menjadi manusia yang bertanggung jawab
- Pendidikan untuk hidup dengan adil dan penuh kasih
- Pendidikan untuk membangun solidaritas lintas kultur
- Pendidikan untuk memelihara lingkungan
- Pendidikan untuk kedamaian pribadi
keenam materi itu diberikan dengan tujuan akhir yaitu untuk membangun budaya perdamaian dalam masyarakat.
yang perlu diingat adalah, materi-materi itu tidak harus diberikan dalam mata pelajaran tersendiri bahkan akan lebih baik jika keenam materi itu masuk dalam semua mata pelajaran yang diberikan dalam kurikulum. nanti akan kita bahas lebih lanjut.
2. Metode
Dalam pendidikan perdamaian, proses belajar itu adalah proses yang menyenangkan. pembelajar belajar sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan oleh dirinya dan diarahkan untuk membentuk pribadi yang damai.
Ada empat prinsip dasar pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian yang dikembangkan oleh Swee-Hin Toh dan Virginia Cawagas, yaitu:
a. Holistik atau menyeluruh
b. Melalui dialog
c. Mendorong pemikiran kritis
d. Membentuk nilai-nilai perdamaian
a. Holistik atau menyeluruh
Disini yang diartikan menyeluruh adalah proses pembelajaran itu melibatkan pikiran, hati, dan semangat. jadi pembelajar benar-benar meresapi dan mengerti apa yang dia pelajari, bukan hanya untuk memperkaya pikiran maupun keilmuan dia akan tetapi juga memperkaya hatinya.
Menyeluruh disini juga berarti melibatkan semua aspek dalam kehidupan dari tingkat individu sampai tingkat bangsa atau negara atau dunia. Melibatkan semua sektor dalam masyarakat. Dilaksanakan di semua tingkat pendidikan; dari tingkat dasar sampai tingkat tertinggi dan dalam bentuk pendidikan formal, non-formal, maupun informal. Selain itu juga menyeluruh dalam artian keterkaitan semua bidang ilmu.
b. Melalui dialog
Prinsip kedua dalam pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian adalah pelaksanaan pendidikan perdamaian selalu dilakukan dalam bentuk dialog. Dialog memungkinkan pembelajar dan guru berada dalam posisi yang sama dan saling belajar. Dialog sendiri juga melatih pembelajar dan guru untuk saling menghormati karena di dalam dialog terdapat unsur "mendengarkan dengan baik" yang kamudian membuka pembelajar dan guru untuk dapat menerima ide-ide baru. Selain itu melalui dialog maka akan terbangun suasana demokratis dan juga membuka kemungkinan semua pihak untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.
c. Mendorong pemikiran kritis
Pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian juga dirancang untuk mendorong pemikiran kritis dari pembelajar, yang nantinya diharapkan akan memunculkan komitmen dari pembelajar untuk berperan serta dalam proses transformasi kehidupan ke arah yang lebih baik dan juga berperan dalam membangun budaya damai. Komitmen itu bisa saja pada tingkat personal tetapi juga bisa mencakup pada lingkungan yang lebih luas.
d. Membentuk nilai-nilai perdamaian
Pada akhirnya, pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian ini akan menghasilkan budaya damai yang mungkin digali dari budaya lokal, dan bisa juga merupakan bentukan baru yang merupakan konsensus bersama.
3. Hubungan
Di dalam hubungan ini, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kedudukan guru dan pembelajar adalah sama dan setara. Keduanya berfungsi sebagai sumber ilmu dan ketrampilan, tetapi keduanya juga berfungsi sebagai pembelajar.
Guru dan murid sama-sama sebagai sumber bahan belajar yang kompeten. Guru dan murid datang ke tempat belajar dengan membawa pemahaman, keterampilan, pengetahuan masing-masing. Kemudian di tempat belajar, guru dan murid sama-sama belajar dari satu sama lain.
Lalu apa yang membedakan antara guru dengan murid? Guru berfungsi sebagai fasilitator dalam proses pembelajaran. Guru mempunyai kemampuan untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan menyenangkan, juga menumbuhkan daya berpikir kritis dari murid.
dari materinya, setidaknya ada tiga definisi yang bisa kita ketahui (pembagian ini bisa dibaca dalam tulisan Susan Fountain mengenai Peace Education in UNICEF terbitan Juli 1999)
tiga definisi itu meliputi:
Pendekatan berdasar keilmuan
“multi-disciplinary academic and moral quest for solutions to the problems of war and injustice with the consequential development of institutions and movements that will contribute to a peace that is based on justice and reconciliation.” (COPRED, 1986)
Pendekatan berdasar keterampilan dan tingkah laku
“a global term applying to all educational endeavors and activities which take as their focus the promotion of a knowledge of peace and of peace-building and which promote, in the learner, attitudes of tolerance and empathy as well as skills in cooperation, conflict avoidance and conflict resolution so that learners will have the capacity and motivation, individually and collectively, to live in peace with others.” (Cremin, 1993)
Pendekatan yang menggabungkan ilmu, ketrampilan, dan tingkah laku
“a process that prepares young people for global responsibility; enables them to understand the nature and implications of global interdependence; and helps them to accept responsibility to work for a just, peaceful and viable global community.” (Reardon, 1988)
sedangkan kalau kita melihat konteks dan situasinya, ada beberapa definisi yang terbagi dalam:
1. pendidikan perdamaian di masa konflik
2. pendidikan perdamaian di masa konflik yang sudah selesai
3. pendidikan perdamaian di masa pembangunan perdamaian
4. pendidikan perdamaian di daerah yang tidak mengalami konflik
keterangan lebih lengkapnya akan saya tambahkan nanti. kalau nggak salah, pembagian definisi ini ada dalam tulisan Gavriel Solomon dalam buku Peace Education terbitan tahun 2002.
Secara umum, ketika kita berbicara mengenai pendidikan perdamaian, maka ada tiga aspek yang menyusunnya, yaitu:
1. Materi
2. Proses
3. Hubungan
1. Muatan
Apa saja sih materi yang ada didalam pendidikan perdamaian? Swee-Hin Toh dan Virginia Cawagas secara sederhana membagi enam materi dasar yang diberikan dalam pendidikan perdamaian, yaitu:
- Pendidikan untuk menghapus budaya perang dan kekerasan
- Pendidikan untuk menjunjung hak asasi manusia dan menjadi manusia yang bertanggung jawab
- Pendidikan untuk hidup dengan adil dan penuh kasih
- Pendidikan untuk membangun solidaritas lintas kultur
- Pendidikan untuk memelihara lingkungan
- Pendidikan untuk kedamaian pribadi
keenam materi itu diberikan dengan tujuan akhir yaitu untuk membangun budaya perdamaian dalam masyarakat.
yang perlu diingat adalah, materi-materi itu tidak harus diberikan dalam mata pelajaran tersendiri bahkan akan lebih baik jika keenam materi itu masuk dalam semua mata pelajaran yang diberikan dalam kurikulum. nanti akan kita bahas lebih lanjut.
2. Metode
Dalam pendidikan perdamaian, proses belajar itu adalah proses yang menyenangkan. pembelajar belajar sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan oleh dirinya dan diarahkan untuk membentuk pribadi yang damai.
Ada empat prinsip dasar pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian yang dikembangkan oleh Swee-Hin Toh dan Virginia Cawagas, yaitu:
a. Holistik atau menyeluruh
b. Melalui dialog
c. Mendorong pemikiran kritis
d. Membentuk nilai-nilai perdamaian
a. Holistik atau menyeluruh
Disini yang diartikan menyeluruh adalah proses pembelajaran itu melibatkan pikiran, hati, dan semangat. jadi pembelajar benar-benar meresapi dan mengerti apa yang dia pelajari, bukan hanya untuk memperkaya pikiran maupun keilmuan dia akan tetapi juga memperkaya hatinya.
Menyeluruh disini juga berarti melibatkan semua aspek dalam kehidupan dari tingkat individu sampai tingkat bangsa atau negara atau dunia. Melibatkan semua sektor dalam masyarakat. Dilaksanakan di semua tingkat pendidikan; dari tingkat dasar sampai tingkat tertinggi dan dalam bentuk pendidikan formal, non-formal, maupun informal. Selain itu juga menyeluruh dalam artian keterkaitan semua bidang ilmu.
b. Melalui dialog
Prinsip kedua dalam pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian adalah pelaksanaan pendidikan perdamaian selalu dilakukan dalam bentuk dialog. Dialog memungkinkan pembelajar dan guru berada dalam posisi yang sama dan saling belajar. Dialog sendiri juga melatih pembelajar dan guru untuk saling menghormati karena di dalam dialog terdapat unsur "mendengarkan dengan baik" yang kamudian membuka pembelajar dan guru untuk dapat menerima ide-ide baru. Selain itu melalui dialog maka akan terbangun suasana demokratis dan juga membuka kemungkinan semua pihak untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.
c. Mendorong pemikiran kritis
Pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian juga dirancang untuk mendorong pemikiran kritis dari pembelajar, yang nantinya diharapkan akan memunculkan komitmen dari pembelajar untuk berperan serta dalam proses transformasi kehidupan ke arah yang lebih baik dan juga berperan dalam membangun budaya damai. Komitmen itu bisa saja pada tingkat personal tetapi juga bisa mencakup pada lingkungan yang lebih luas.
d. Membentuk nilai-nilai perdamaian
Pada akhirnya, pedagogi pendidikan perdamaian ini akan menghasilkan budaya damai yang mungkin digali dari budaya lokal, dan bisa juga merupakan bentukan baru yang merupakan konsensus bersama.
3. Hubungan
Di dalam hubungan ini, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kedudukan guru dan pembelajar adalah sama dan setara. Keduanya berfungsi sebagai sumber ilmu dan ketrampilan, tetapi keduanya juga berfungsi sebagai pembelajar.
Guru dan murid sama-sama sebagai sumber bahan belajar yang kompeten. Guru dan murid datang ke tempat belajar dengan membawa pemahaman, keterampilan, pengetahuan masing-masing. Kemudian di tempat belajar, guru dan murid sama-sama belajar dari satu sama lain.
Lalu apa yang membedakan antara guru dengan murid? Guru berfungsi sebagai fasilitator dalam proses pembelajaran. Guru mempunyai kemampuan untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan menyenangkan, juga menumbuhkan daya berpikir kritis dari murid.
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